Originally Posted by pan6467
Now, if you were trying to convince me that I should put this issue (that I have demonstrated as important to me) to rest and not worry about it.... attacking me, minimizing the issue and so on will not convince me that it really isn't an issue.
All you did was piss me off and make it a bigger issue for me.
NOW do you get what I am saying???????????
I am not trying to make this thread about me. I am trying to demonstrate a problem here.
IF this were a serious issue to me the attacks I earlier offered up should show something.
RatBastid, PowerClown seemed to understand.
YOU do not denigrate, degrade, minimize and so on someone's issue. If you truly support Obama, God love ya. But don't sit there and degrade someone's questions. Answer to the best of your ability and show respect and you may shift that HUGE issue into a petty one and win a vote.
If you denigrate, put them on the defensive, call them names and minimize, you will definitely lose that vote and possibly others (that person will tell friends and so on).
People don't know the candidates personally.... I seriously doubt we have many if any that can say they know any of the top 3 as friends. However, when you wear a pin, have a bumper sticker, somehow demonstrate your support for a candidate.... you become in some people's eyes a spokesperson for that candidate.
They ma ask you questions on your candidate's positions on all sorts of items. Easily answered. No problem.
However, someone may ask you a question or make a statement against your candidate like I did about Obama.
How you react, how you treat that person, how you talk to that person and accept their right to feel the way they do, can very much be a deciding factor in that person's vote.
You attack me and minimize my feelings and the issue.... I'm not going to vote for your candidate. Because if you believe in your candidate there is no reason for you to be defensive or offensive towards my feelings and questions.
Yes, this is going to be a very HUGE issue whether you want to believe it or not.... how you answer to your friends and people who ask you about it may very well decide their vote.
I know I'm repeating myself.... but Hey Zeus Frickin Crisps.... I shouldn't have to. I practically told you 2 posts ago, my last post I flat out told you and still some of you seem to not understand.
It's as simple as....
"What problems do you see going on with this issue?" "I respect what you are saying and the candidate has shown that a, b, c (separated himself from Wright, denounced Farrakhan... etc) has been done about this issue. I can give you my take on it if you like and maybe I can help answer your questions or at least point you in the right direction."
You start out with "that is so last year: you're a racist: do you even know what you are talking about....etc." You lost. It's highly doubtful no matter what point you make, no matter how legitimate... the person will listen.
The question, the issue becomes then an argument and all that does is set deeper a person's opinion. You lost just about any chance you will ever have had of getting that voter.
Now that it is spelled out in black and white.... and I admit this probably was the wrong place to show this.... do you understand what I was trying to get across?
Believe what you will..... I think a few may understand ... I hope so, because between now and Nov. you will have to defend your candidate and you best do so in a way that does not turn the other person off to your candidate.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
He is. His religion isn't in any way a part of his policy, platform, or campaign. It's being dragged in by people with an agenda to undercut him.
For anyone willing to listen to Obama, he's addressed and settled this. If it's not addressed and settled for you, consider that you're not willing to listen. And that's okay--you don't have to be willing to listen. But at least have the honesty to say, "You know, he's addressed this, and I refuse to believe what he says," rather than continuing to pretend your first flush of reaction to it stands unchallenged.
But not everyone knows how he addressed this issue. By minimizing, attacking and degrading... the issue becomes bigger.
You must first give the benefit of the doubt and discuss with respect how Obama did handle it. Then go from there. Minimize your defensiveness and show that you understand the issue is important to the other person.