Computers I had/owned since I was a kid.
Apple IIe - 1MHz
Commodore VIC 20 - 1MHz
IBM 8530, PS/2 Model 30 - 8MHz
ZenithBull - 286MHz
Unisys - 386MHz
HP - 486MHz DX2
Handbuilt Pentium - 166MMX
Dell Pentium II - 450Mhz
Handbuilt - P3 1.4GHz
Alienware - P4 2.8GHz
I loved the Vic20 with the "Datassette" add on. Before the "Datassette" I would sit and type in code (for some random game) all day from the manual only to have it not work or have to go back and try to find any errors I made. In the end I would shut off the computer only to lose all data and have no game to play. Then my parents bought the "Datassette" and I was able to save all my data onto a cassette tape.