Originally Posted by levite
That aside, aside from the fact that he's a little heavy on the sanctimoniousness of his anti-Western Society-ism, the dude's not entirely wrong about American education. It's a crap system, and it teaches way too many of the wrong things. My kids will be going to private school, and even then I can already think of a laundry list of things I'll have to be on my toes to counteract and train them out of when they bring it home from school....
Yes its a crap system, and I too will be teaching my children outside of the school, but that doesn't justify the pseudo-intellectual rant of the author nor does it mean that children should just be allowed to 'develop' on their own. Thats just idiotic.
Also, just because this guy mentioned the word "vagina" and admitted he didn't want American schools to instill his daughter with the idiotic puritanistic sex and body issues that plague our society doesn't mean he's a child molester. I mean, seriously, that's just ridiculous!
Puritanical sex issues did NOT come from my public schooling in the least. I think the guy is potentially a child molester and definitely full of himself. Its one thing to not want your child to have sexual hang ups, it another to write about your daughter singing about her vagina and sticking her fingers in it at 5.