a couple comments on ufc silva/henderson (3/1/08)
1) what the hell was going on with that split decision on the congo/herring fight? i never really questioned ufc's integrity before as long as i've been a fan, but man... first of all herring's had way to many chances to make a comeback in this league even as a heavyweight, and i couldn't believe how much even joe rogan kissed his ass during saturday's fight even though he's gotten whooped his last 3 fights.
then to make is worse, it took frickin 15 MINUTES for the judges to come back with that jacked up split decision giving herring the win. made me wonder who the substitute judges were behind the scenes. i don't care if herring was dropping some knees and that congo's an even worse wrestler than herring... herring didn't hurt congo at all.
2) silva's the man, nuff said. rogan summed it up when he said " man, if silva goes through henderson like he's gone through everyone else, i don't know if anyone can beat him."
it'd be nice if silva could somehow bulk up or if rampage would come down for a fight between those 2.
3) WTF is up with them not showing the arlovski fight?? first of all, i can't be the only person who's a fan of that guy still and would have MUCH rather seen that fight than ANY other fight besides silva on the card (incl congo/herring). secondly his opponent was jim o'brien, who totally Whooped herring btw... but ffs, it's pay-per-view, there's no danger of pre-empting american idol, show us ALL the goddamn fights on the card for our 45 DOLLARS. /endrant
what'd you guys think?
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.