Silent Jay = host of the North
Seriously, that's very interesting information. Can you post a link to it?
Pan, my answer to these accussations is that they simply don't matter. As I've pointed out, there is conflicting information about the TUCC. I think I understand the "why" behind your posts - you do not offer trust easily. And that's perfectly fine and acceptable. You don't trust Obama, and I'll fight for your right for that opinion. I don't agree with it, and that's why I've posted evidence to the contrary and why I'll keep asking you to address it.
This is turning into a "guilt by association" discussion. I truly do not believe that Obama believes in the same things that the Rev. Wright did. I see evidence of that in your own posts (again, look at the details of your post #6) as well as mission statement of the TUCC. My great-grandfather was in the Klan and was a staunch Prohibitionist to the point that he was once accused of killing a moonshiner. And what does that say about me?