Pan, please tell me why it matters what church Obama goes to and why it doesn't matter which ones Clinton and McCain go to. After that, please show me where the ideals espoused by that church coincide with Obama's platform.
As we've seen most obviously with pro-choice Catholics, the candidate and the church quite often disagree with details. The onus is on you to show where they do agree in this case. Thus far I've seen nothing even beginning to make that case. Please show me where I'm wrong.
The pastor is not Barack Obama. What the pastor has done in the past has no more to do with the candidate than what JPII did with John Kerry. If you're going to make a case that Rev. Wright is steering Obama's campaign and candicacy, you're going to have to provide some evidence. The hard evidence that you've provided thus far has Obama condemning Wright's actions (post #6).
One thing that you neglected to point out in your discussion of the TUCC - their mission statement. It's probably the most important thing to look at since it is where they want to go.
Mission Statement: What Trinity Is About
Trinity United Church of Christ has been called by God to be a congregation that is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that does not apologize for its African roots! As a congregation of baptized believers, we are called to be agents of liberation not only for the oppressed, but for all of God’s family. We, as a church family, acknowledge, that we will, building on this affirmation of "who we are" and "whose we are," call men, women, boys and girls to the liberating love of Jesus Christ, inviting them to become a part of the church universal, responding to Jesus’ command that we go into all the world and make disciples!
We are called out to be "a chosen people" that pays no attention to socio-economic or educational backgrounds. We are made up of the highly educated and the uneducated. Our congregation is a combination of the haves and the have-nots; the economically disadvantaged, the under-class, the unemployed and the employable.
The fortunate who are among us combine forces with the less fortunate to become agents of change for God who is not pleased with America’s economic mal-distribution!
W.E.B. DuBois indicated that the problem in the 20th century was going to be the problem of the color line. He was absolutely correct. Our job as servants of God is to address that problem and eradicate it in the name of Him who came for the whole world by calling all men, women, boys and girls to Christ.
Please note that last paragraph. They explicitely state that they want to eradicate the color line. If that's not a telling statement that points to the opposite of what you're saying, I don't know what is.