No one has yet to answer the question, if this were a white candidate:
coming from a church where the minister there honored David Duke calling him a great visionary (of course the candidate publicly repudiates it),
the minister went to Apartheid South Africa with David Dukes in the 80's,
The candidate says that this minister is his spiritual leader,
the candidate claims to have been friends with radical skinheads....
how would
YOU (who want to ignore the question and not answer it) truly react???????
Why am I being painted or made to feel racist because I bring up VERY legitimate questions about Barack Hussein Obama?
All I ask is that people truly look at where this man is from, what this man has done to deserve the highest office in this country.
I don't want my president coming from a racist church, calling a militant his "spiritual mentor".
The Rev. Wright's last sermon included this:
"How many children of biracial parents can make it in a world controlled by racist ideology?" Wright said.
"Children born to parents who are of two different races do not have a snowball's chance in hell of making it in America, especially if the momma was white and the daddy was black. A child born to that union is an unfortunate statistic in a racially polarized society," he said.
"But, if you use your mind, instead of a lost statistic in a hate-filled universe, you just may end up a law student at Harvard University. In fact, if you use your mind, you might end up as the editor of the Harvard Law Review. If you use your mind, instead of [being] a statistic destined for the poor house, you just may end up a statesman destined for the ... Yes, we can!" Wright said, using the popular Obama slogan to bring the crowd to its feet in cheers.
What racist ideology? Where is this racist ideology? 99% of the people I know are just trying to make it in this world, that in and of itself is difficult enough whatever your race, color, religion, ethnic background is.
I know racists of both colors.....
And to me that sermon is racist, I have known some biracial men and women all my life and to say they were "destined for the poor house" is bullshit. That in and of itself to me is very racist.
This is Obama's "spiritual mentor":
In addition, Wright has said that Zionism has an element of "white racism", and that the attacks on 9/11 were a consequence of violent American policies and proved that "people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."[15]
But that's not promoting racism..... no not at all. He's pointing out how Whitey has kept him down. But ummmmm, what kind of car does he have, how much is his house worth, how much does he make....but Whitey is keeping him down. Whitey kept Colin Powell down, Thurgood Marshall, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Martin Luther King Jr., Mohammed Ali, and so on and so on. Bt I can hear it now "yeah they are all Uncle Toms, not one of them is balck black and know what poor is."
Yes, our history in this area isn't all that great but we are making great strides and if it were Powell running, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. I'd vote for MLK in a heartbeat.... he preached God didn't care about the color of skin but what was in your heart. Would MLK have gone to Libya with Farrakhan during the 80's?
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
What kind of character does Obama have if Rev. Wright is his "spiritual mentor".
If McCain said Pat Robertson was his "spiritual mentor" people would be all up in his shit..... why is it ok for Obama to get a free pass from all these questions?
Call me racist, tell me how stupid I look, how this is all last year etc etc.... but I honest to God would like to know the answers to ALL these questions especially the first question in this post.
I'm sorry, there is too much wrong here and along with the fact, to me he has no experience, no one truly knows anything about him, no one seems to really push him on hard questions.... he's just not my candidate... if anything, out of the 3 we have he scares me most... then McCain and Hillary... well at least we get Bill and that idea I like.
Although I still would have to cut off my voting finger or soak it in rubbing alcohol/hydrogen peroxide for a week.... but it's better than what I would have to do if I voted for McCain.... and I can't even fathom what I would do to my voting finger if I had to vote for Obama.
Sorry, talk down to me, call me racist, tell me how bigoted I sound, how ignorant and prejudice.... but after all that....please answer my questions without any personal attacks. I haven't attacked you, I have just asked questions I want answers to.
(Oh.... I do have a feeling a few Obama fans will all of a sudden go quiet, attack me but answer nothing or gave me 10 articles researched about how this is George Bush's fault and Carl Rove has brainwashed me. But there won't be a single answer to any of my questions especially the first one.)
I await someone's answer with baited breath....
I finish with this:
Obama is not even close to the greatness, does not have the class nor dignity of MLK.
Obama is a true wolf in sheep's clothing.