The problem with this topic is... everyone is right. And consequently, everyone is also wrong. For every logical arguement one way there is an equally logical arguement the other way. Post a link to one study, and someone else can post a link to another that disproves it.
One thing I know is true, none of us are old enough to have lived in a world without cigaretts. Smoking used to be cool, socially acceptable and downright sophisticated. Shit, there was a time when doctors prescribed cigarette smoking to their patients. Yeah yeah, we didn't know the risks & dangers associated with smoking then. What's my point? I dunno. Let's just say that things that we consider perfectly safe today may be demonized in the future.
Wether you smoke or don't smoke, wether you quit or never touched them, wether you are allercic or not, or maybe you are going to take your first puff tomorrow. There are 2 types of people in this world... assholes and everyone else. Don't be an asshole about it.
Go back and read Martian's posts on this subject, he seems to have the best slant on the topic. [applause]
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!