Originally Posted by spindles
I think the comparison between the average home user and professional network admins is hardly fair - I'd hope that most businesses/schools with a serious computer setup would be more secure than any home user.
The average home user has *no clue* what services are running and probably couldn't turn them off if they were running.
With the exception of (high-end) hardware packet shaping devices there's really not much difference between a commercial setup and a home set up. Windows Server 2003 is pretty similar to Windows XP on the surface. You don't have to turn off services to be secure (except for server services which should not be turned on by default in XP anyway). Hell, you don't even need a firewall or antivirus to be secure.
You just have to NOT click on the boobies in that email you got.
I kind of think the same way about cars as I do computers. You don't have to know how to completely overhaul an engine; but you damn sure better no how to put gas in it; keep the oil changed and at least change a tire if you have to. If you don't ... you're just asking for trouble.
There are people who have phobias about electronics. They feel they are stupid or whatever. There is a culture of ignorance that surrounds computers and I'm tired of it. I really don't have sympathy for someone who would drop $1500 on something and then not know how to work it. I feel the same way about someone who buys a nice car and then dogs it or doesn't know how to maintain it.
But this thread has been jacked far enough I suppose.