The article doesn't mention how they re-used the syringes and vials. Although I'm not condoning the practice, it does make a hugh difference on risk of exposure.
I also don't know how they do the procedures in Nevada, but around here they do something called conscious sedation. An IV is started, fluids are hung and medications are pushed through the IV tubing to make you drowsy but still awake. If the reused sryinges were used to push meds through the tubing, the risk is non-existant for HIV or Hepititis so long as blood didn't get drawn back up in the tubing. If they were giving the patients IM injections (sticking them with needles) with re-used syringes, that is a whole different ballgame.
Re-using vials could be just not opening a new vial if any meds were left over from the previous patient. Since the meds used are controlled substances, I don't doubt the DEA will be looking into that as well as the insurance companies to make sure they weren't charged for a full vial per patient if they were using "left over" meds.
Again, not condoning the practice just pointing out the risk factors.
As far as not cleaning the colonoscopy equiptment properly, that is just plain nasty.