My politics, in truth, are not very close to either of them.
Quoting that Obama wants to spend a few million researching carbon reduction technology proves nothing to me than that he is a shameless popularist.
is it supposed to be admirable that he thinks torture isnt that a great of a thing for the world's only superpower to indulge in? I would kind of expect that as a prerequisite of any morally conscious human being.
If you want to address climate change, the immediate state control of all heavy production and severe limitation of transportation is required immediately: as well as massive aid packages to China and India and Brazil in the form of technology and equipment to reduce their carbon output (which can be done much more cheaply than you can reduce America's carbon output - which is already working with very efficient technology)
if you want to do something about torture that give Camp Delta back to Cuba and free the prisoners held illegally there
Neither candidate proposes real solutions: it is just a case of someone who is charismatic against someone who is not. I have, as I said in the last post, browsed through the original post - and nothing in it strikes me as politically important. in the records of either candidate - they both are ultimtaley capitalists and directly opposed to the aims of the working class and the general will of the people.
Nevertheless, my opinion is that Clinton is more guided by morality and more left wing - that she will hold her centre left ground, where as Obama will go wherever media lead popularity calls him. But Clinton will never be president.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas