OK, let's bump this one a bit. The Catfish Tank 'o Sex:
This is a 55 gallon that sits right next to my computer station. It's really a standard Amazon tank - tetras and cories and plecos, but the corys and plecos are horny little buggers, so I have re-named it.
2 Bristlenosed plecos. mated pair - Cthulhu and Mrs. Cthulhu - they've given me three batches of babies so far. There are also an unknown number of fry in the tank lurking in rockpiles.
4 Albino Bronze cories. Until the big female died the other week they were reliably spawning every two weeks after a water change. I have one batch of their fry in my 7 year old's tank. Evenutally, I'll put another female back in here.)
7 to 9 or so Sterbas cories. They bred in a 20 before I put them in here, and they've spawned here too.
6 Bandit Cories (C. metae) - no love there yet. They need a java Moss mat to breed in. Working on that.
Tetras: 6 glowlites, 4 black neons, 5 Flame (von rio) tetras, 5 Long Finned black tetras, 8 Diamond tetras. I'm eventually going to work this until it's just the diamonds as the others die off from age or disease. Then think about some hatchetfish and maybe some apistos or angels.
Also an unknown number of amano shrimp, and too many pond snails and MTS.
Plants: Brazillian Pennywort (Hydrocotyl sp.), Java Fern, Java Moss, Chilean saggitaria, Radicans Sword, pygmy chain sword (not doing well), Amazon Sword, Red Melon Sword.
Filtered with an Emperor 400 and a topfin 20 (for carbon or peat). 2x 100 watt heaters. 130 watt CF lamp.