Originally Posted by jewels443
I'm trying to comprehend how it's okay to disparage Obama, but not the UCC which you are utilizing to judge him by and which, by your own admission, stands for the very things you can not tolerate.
What is it that makes you such a John Lennon fan? I think he would have been disappointed in some of the statements and judgments you've just made.
First, the UCC and the TUCC have different visions. While the UCC tries to bring people of ALL races together and create unity, the TUCC is segregationalist, as much racist as the Aryan Brethren of Christ Church.
This comes from Wiki... it's Jeremiah Wright's bio...
During the course of the campaign, Wright has also attracted controversy for his association with Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam.[10] Wright travelled to Libya with Farrakhan in the 1980s. In 2007, Wright addressed this by saying "When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli to visit Colonel Gadaffi with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell."[11] In 2007, Trumpet Magazine (published and edited by Wright's daughter) presented the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to Farrakhan, whom it said "truly epitomized greatness."[12] Wright is quoted in the magazine offering praise of Farrakhan "as one of the 20th and. 21st century giants of the African American religious experience" and also praised Farrakhan's "integrity and honesty."[13] In response, Obama noted his disagreement with the decision to give the award to Farrakhan; his statement was praised by Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League.[14]
In addition,
Wright has said that Zionism has an element of "white racism", and that the attacks on 9/11 were a consequence of violent American policies and proved that "people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."
Now tell me again, how does this support unity?
If this were a white man candidate coming from a church that honored David Dukes as a great visionary (or whatever) ... do you think that man would get even 1 vote, even if he vehemently stated he was in disagreement with that decision? The press would be tearing that man to shreds, he'd be considered the biggest racist in America.... so why is Obama different and allowed to get a pass.
Christ and Lennon taught WE ARE ALL BROTHERS... that color, nationality, etc should not matter. Yet, when I point out this "church" does look at race, does separate races, does have agendas that may not be healthy..... I'm told "how un-Lennon like... how dare I..... It's ok for the blacks to be racist we had them as slaves...." When did I own a black man as a slave? When did I ever push a black man or woman to the back of a bus or into a closet of a restroom?
We are ALL people, who have great talents, abilities and intelligence unique only to ourselves. WE are only the color our skin is when we choose to use it to discriminate against others. When we use our religion to denigrate others, when we use our wealth to shame others.
We need churches and religions that teach us those things!!!!!!!
Not how to further racist divides and hatreds, like Obama's church does.