Originally Posted by debaser
...If this thread had been called "Is this reasonable if recruiters use blatantly deceptive methods to recruit youths?" I wouldn't have even bothered to respond, except perhaps to note that "blatantly deceptive" is an oxymoron....
Can you recall if your thought process operated as it does in the above example, BEFORE you served in the military?
I read that excerpt of your post, several times, and I am wondering where your way of thinking would position you in these two sets of circumstances. Would you be contributing to influences lessening the ordeal that these two men were put through, or increasing it?
.....When news of the massacre publically broke, Thompson repeated his account to Col. William Wilson and General William Peers during their official Pentagon investigations. In late 1969, Thompson was summmoned to Washington DC and appeared before a special closed hearing of the House Armed Services Committee. There, he was sharply criticized by Congressmen, in particular Chairman Mendel Rivers (D-SC), who were anxious to play down allegations of a massacre by American troops. Rivers publically stated that he felt Thompson was the only soldier at My Lai who should be punished (for turning his weapons on fellow American troops) and unsuccessfully attempted to have him court-martialed. As word of his actions became publically known, Thompson started receiving hate mail, death threats and mutilated animals on his doorstep.<a href="http://www.usna.edu/Ethics/Publications/ThompsonPg1-28_Final.pdf">[8]</a>
....The pictures released last year and those at issue in Hellerstein's ruling were obtained by Specialist Joseph M. Darby, who gave them to military investigators. When they became public, the pictures sparked international outrage and intense anger in the Muslim world.
In undisclosed testimony obtained last year by The New York Times, Darby described how he collected the pictures from Graner in late 2003 before handing them over to military investigators in January 2004. Darby said he gave two CD-ROMS with the photos to investigators because he ''felt the pictures were morally wrong" and that Graner ''would abuse more prisoners" if he did not alert authorities.
Darby, who got death threats and was placed in protective custody, received the John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Award in Boston last month......