Originally Posted by ratbastid
I got the impression that Desmond recovered his memory when he talked with Penny. He called Sayid by name, and said he was fine.
Hmm... ok, maybe I was mis-remembering the scene and thought that Desmond only knew Sayid's name from having "met him for the first time" just then. But it seems like lostpedia claims that now Desmond's fine, and the whole "once you make contact with your constant everything's fine" rule vaguely makes sense.
Even so--and we may never be able to resolve it--but I'd bet Damon and Carlton originally wrote it intending it to be aired around Christmas. But you can win my shiny nickel anyway.
I read that the series finale for Star Trek:TNG was a major influence to the writers in writing this particular episode of Lost. Pretty interesting parallels, there.
I'm still floored by how excellent this episode of LOST was...