Originally Posted by debaser
I don't know what the hell you are saying here.
You said that "shitting" on the troops is the same as the things I'm defending the veterans from. Either you were knowingly exaggerating or you aren't aware of how poorly veterans are treated.
Originally Posted by debaser
Cool, from now on I will refer to prejudice against gays, blacks, women, and jews as "free thinking". Thank you will, for opening my eyes...
I disagree with actions, not being. Being something and doing something are vastly different. For example: I don't care if you're a soldier, but I do care what you do as a soldier. Case in point: Ehren Watada.
Originally Posted by debaser
No. That is where my freedom of speech is curtailed in respect to yours. I gave up that right when I volunteered my time and health to serve the will of this country. If I call the POTUS a fuckhead, I will at the very least lose my job, but then again if you published an editorial calling your boss a fuckhead, you would most likely be fired as well, just like your pretty-boy Watada. I can refuse orders that are illegal under the UCMJ, not policies that I find personally objectionable.
You're not serving the will of the country, you're serving your CO, who is serving under his who eventually serves the President or Congress who are serving special interests. Don't try to embellish military service with "we serve the people". If you served the will of the people, you would have withdrawn from Iraq over a year ago.
You not just can but are legally obligated to disobey illegal orders. Like breaching the UN Charter, which is a US treaty and thus US law, for example.
Originally Posted by debaser
Question: If your little unicorn herder becomes president, and I disagree with his policies, would you support my right to do whatever the fuck I wanted rather than following orders?
If the 6'1" black guy who could probably wipe the floor with 71 year old McCain gets elected and you disobey orders that start with him you had better have US law or the UCMJ on you side. Like Watada.
Originally Posted by debaser
Aren't you precious. And a psychic to boot. How can I compete with that? Actually if left to his devices he would much rather have let it ride, as a dismissal creates hundreds of hours of paperwork, hard feeling among the other recruiters, and a general pain in the ass. But there's that damn UCMJ, stateing in black and white what we are to do in such an event. And we do it, whether we want to or not. That is what being in the military entails, you wouldn't understand.
Just because Tully Mars actually managed to find the letter of the law doesn't mean it's DoD policy and more importantly it doesn't mean it's common practice. I remember posting several links about this pages ago, making it clear that the military doesn't really do anything about it (unless they're caught). Should I google to find them again?