I like vanblah
but then again I like anyone who doesn't display rabid fanaticism about an overmarketed OS/platform that is no more better/worse at what it's intended for than the competition. Same but different.
if a computer can execute code, it can execute malicious code
if a computer can offer a service, that service can be exploited
and yeah, I have mitnick's "Art of Deception"
very very good read. It really does display how trusting people are and how you use natural instinct against people to get what you want.
Manipulative? yes, but in the world of computers, you tell them what you want every single time you click an icon, it's not that much different when interacting with people, its just song and dance to gain the desired outcome.
You could even go so far as to apply it to the whole social "pick up" scene that seems to be all the rage these days. It's another degree of Social Engineering.