Originally Posted by yellowmac
And Desmond's in a good position if he no longer remembers crashing on the island, accidentally killing Kelvin, pushing the button, being in the hatch for 3+ years, etc... for all he knows, it's 1996 again and he's waiting to be reunited with Penny.
I got the impression that Desmond recovered his memory when he talked with Penny. He called Sayid by name, and said he was fine.
Originally Posted by yellowmac
I don't think that this was written to be aired around Xmas time... before the strike happened, I was always under the impression that LOST was going to be aired on a Jan/Feb-May timeframe for the final 3 years.
Even so--and we may never be able to resolve it--but I'd bet Damon and Carlton originally wrote it intending it to be aired around Christmas. But you can win my shiny nickel anyway.