Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Nope, absolutely not, the study is not enough to satisfy me that its not going to cause long term harm in my child (Im WAY out of the age range but even if I wasnt I wouldnt do it anyway) they dont even know how long the vaccination will last.
Im not into my child being a guinea pig
**edit I would like to add this to the person that said whats the dif between this and the Hep B vaccine....the answer? 27 years of study. The Hep B vaccine was introduced in 1980 so the long term effects are vastly more documented than this new thing.
For those that want information on the ongoing problems with this vaccine (and deaths related to it) I thought I would pass this along for you to read, the link includes pdf's of the reports of adverse effects of this vaccine.
Almost a year later, I am STILL saying there is no way in hell I am letting my child get this. When she turns 18 she can decide for her self, I am not making a decision that could potentially kill her, or ruin the rest of her life because of the adverse reactions that are possible