What a nice thread for thought...
I grew up in the "Church of the Brethren" and went faithfully(!) every Sunday until I turned 16 got my own wheels and could realistically say "I don' wanna."
C.O.B was kind of ummm...Mennonite Lite, and although I chose to stop going, I never denied my faith. In fact I am quite sure that this early foundation in what I consider the fundementals of faith has lain the framework for spiritual quest in my life. I think that if "Religion" does serve a purpose it is to be a springboard for ones own inner-search. If you think that your religion has all the answers, I believe you kind of miss the point.
I became interested in something called "Gnostisism" after reading "The Transmigration of Timothy Archer" and some other books by Phillip K. Dick in the early 90's. and it seems to be the bedrock of what feels right to me.
Do you, Lebell (or anyone) have thoughts or opinions on this.
It seems to take the Middle-Man(The Church) out of the picture
and puts the individual 4-squre in front of the creator.
with this mindset I have know problem with THIS Trinity...
and the Brotherhood of Man.
I do realize that what I am saying here is just absolutely contradictory in it's nature.
AzAbOv ZoBeLoE
Last edited by QuasiMojo; 06-04-2003 at 03:16 PM..