I mean we look for cheaper products, so we can buy more, but in the end we ship jobs overseas and the jobs we do keep here pay less and less so then we have to find cheaper goods but that leads to even more jobs being lost and lower wages and so on...... we are facing a downward spiral and all anyone can say is "It's business now, tough shit learn to deal with it...etc".
While I do sympathize over jobs lost, I still maintain that this is the way the world is going and there is little you can do to change the increase in the Globalization of goods and services.
As I see it, the choices are this:
a) restrict or close the borders to trade and services and prices will go up via inflation or the increased costs of manufacturing, etc. Not to mention, the additional benefits that generally come with increased trade - increasingly stable world politics through greater mutual understand, etc.
b) learn to work in the new realities, experience an adjustment in lifestyle and opportunities, etc.
It's interesting, for years many have called for increased foreign aid and support for the third world. Now that some of these nations are stumbling towards self sustaining economies, sometimes at the expense of jobs in the west, those same people are crying foul.
You can't have it both ways.