Originally Posted by debaser
So accoding to the high minds (and horses) of Berkeley the only thing standing in the way of world peace is the United States military?
Not even close to what I said, but w/e.
Originally Posted by debaser
Will, I'll put it to you point blank: You are an ingrate. All that crap you spew in other threads about respecting veterans goes by the wayside in light of the whopper above.
I'm grateful for people who fought in WW2. I can't really say that I'm grateful for anything after that, though, so I suppose I'd fall under the catagory of "ingrate". I'm an ingrate for good reason, though, so it's not necessarily negative. I'm also an ingrate when it comes to our president, but I don't see people getting pissy about that. Ingrate is in the eye of the beholder. I take it as a compliment.
As for veterans? I don't have to agree with someone's vocation to want them not to be shit on. Our veterans are quite often treated like absolute shit and they may benefit from my help just like any of the other causes I champion.
Originally Posted by debaser
Believe me, most of the military would be glad to be done with Berkeley, I'd venture a guess that we don't get a lot of quality recruits out of there anyway. Luckily for you, we conduct ourselves in as unbiassed a way as is possible, according to law and regulation. Pity not everyone can...
I don't have to be unbiassed, so asking it of me can get a "No, thanks" without me breaking any rules. It's a shame that more military officers aren't allowed to speak their minds. I've seen plenty of troops say how the war is wrong. Generals, even.
Originally Posted by debaser
So a US Army captain who is the O&T of a recruiting company is not under the perview or executing the policy of the DoD?
Wow, perhaps I need a lesson in government.
You know that's not what I said. He, himself, made a reasonable decision. It had nothing to do with policy.