Well, trojans and viruses are really different -- it's just our lazy use of terminology that conflates them. A trojan has nothing to do with the vulnerability of the system, it relies on the ignorance of the user. A virus exploits weaknesses in the operating system or applications for malicious intent without necessarily having to exploit the user's ignorance or mistakes.
It is striking that while people have taken the time to develop trojans for OS X there have been no viruses of consequence. In fact, the fact that people have taken time to develop trojans undermines the classic argument that there are no viruses for OS X because the market share is too small for anyone to care. If anything, I'd figure that the prominence or "prestige" acquired by writing the first real OS X virus of consequence would be a big draw. Either it isn't, or doing such a thing is harder with macs.
That said, Jewels, you should go into the sharing preference pane in system preferences and ensure that the OS firewall is enabled and that the only sharing items you have checked off are the ones that you want to be open.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam