Originally Posted by ratbastid
No, that's evidence that software companies that can make money off paranoid people.
I used Windows for years and years, and I never bought a virus scanner. If you know what you're doing, you can stay clean--YOU'RE always the one to infect your own machine, at the end of the day.
I think you answered your own point
If you know what you're doing, you can stay clean - it is a big assumption that the average end user knows what they are doing
Originally Posted by willravel
Apple offered $25,000 for anyone who could hack Mac OS X. The offer was open for something like 2.5 years. Not one person collected. There was a rumor of a hydra, but it was debunked.
BTW, Mac controls about 15% of the laptop market.
which is not to say there aren't holes (people discover new things all the time...) or that there are no trojans (as ubertuber pointed out) that run on it.