Can a Mac be hacked?
I always feel safe on my iMac G4.
Until now.
My 14 year-old daughter did something silly that a specific group took personally and they've put out an alert that her "doors are open". One person did post a direct threat (I did report that) to get her ISP (what she said/did wasn't illegal, she broke a non-published rule and doesn't mind being banned if that's the consequence). She claims that they've hacked into other kids' computers and is totally petrified.
Can they hurt Mac? I'm on a Comcast connection using the built-in ethernet. A local password is required through our router for the other computers to log onto our connection (I think?). I'm fairly computer-savvy but not very knowledgeable about networks and Airport, but am not sure if I need to be further protected.
Any Mac advice? Thank you in advance.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
Mark Twain