02-27-2008, 09:36 AM
#13 (permalink)
Confused Adult
my blog of that day....
So I decided I needed a new laptop about 2 weeks ago when I got frustrated at the constant power cord issues, and how it had to sit "just right" for it to work.
Thats not gonna cut it if I need it for live applications. I can't be bothered to fuss with the positioning during sets or whatever, I just wanna open it up and forget it.
on top of the fact that it was just kind of a temporary thing for me while I went and got my shit together here in Seattle.
SO with that sold (I sold it for more than I bought it for, amazing eh?) I had no laptop. SILLY ME, I thought it would be some SIMPLE TASK as a CONSUMER to go out and BUY a new laptop.
god, damn.
I knew exactly which model I wanted.
turns out everyone else wanted the same one. I drive all the way down to fry's in Renton and "no we don't have any in stock" "well can I buy the floor model?"
repeat x5 stores in Renton. I drive back to Seattle and call my dad up with a plan of attack. He gives me directions to the nearest Staples (which was actually pretty close by) and I went to sleep armed with the knowledge of where I would strike on Sunday morning whilst the church goers went and goed churches.
I got up at 7am, no alarm, just a burning FLAME in my pocket called CASH.
So I went, I camped in the parking lot with my lunchables and milk with the stereo cranking my Orbital CD to 11. Goddamnit, Time is always speeding in the school zone or being an old lady in the express lane.
Employees start pulling in, parking the cars, and going up to the front door, and one of them unlocks it and, I couldn't help but be tempted to LEAP AT THAT CRACK, but nah, I waited until the "official" opening of that front door.
anyways, Crackers and Cheese only do so much for soothing my savage beast. I needed my computer /fiend
I go in and my eyes nearly fell out of my head.
The price tag beat every single other store I went to the night before by 50$
sweet moses, I'll take it!
I apprehend a sales person and in my mind it was something like "YOU! FETCH!" but it came out more like "Can you get me one of those?"
he checked and they had 2 left in stock *Choir goes here*
He took it up to the front and I think I became his best friend for about 20 seconds.
Then some other guy rings it up for me and it's 200$ more than the tag said
"uhh.. 899? pretty sure it said 699, should ring up at 749 with a 50$ rebate right?"
"I'll go check"
turns out this guy was the manager of the place.
"That sale ended last night"
ok James, breathe easy, stay calm, do not decapitate the nice sales man
"so... I tried to get it last night at the Renton store and they were out of stock, and fry's, and Target, and Office Depot, and Best Buy...."
*puppy dog face*
"oh it's ok, we can give it to you for the price on the label since we left it up there, it should have been taken down last night but it wasn't"
*More Choir goes here*
*ZOOM* Yeah I felt good. I got my a HP DV9720 for 699
This thing has a fucking webcam built in to it's 17 inch monitor. Jesus Christ, Myspace, you are so unfortunate.
I apologize in advance for the cam-whoring that may ensue on my lonely nights ahead.
today was a good day.