I would say that you seem to be more in aligned as a moderate democrat than anything else. I only say that though because it is a larger group than left leaning republican (which you would also fit into). What picking a party really came down to for me was, over the course of several elections at different levels, I found myself voting more one way than an other so that's the party I've stayed in.
As far as political philosophy goes, you seem to fall within a group of what, in the '90s, would have been referred to as a New Democrat. Absent personality or sexual escapades, it would seem that you would agree with Bill Clinton's White House policies, generally speaking. But really it doesn't matter. Believe what you believe and vote that way, that's what's important, and when it comes time to check a party box on your voter registration card just say whichever party you would feel more inclined to vote in their primary.
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751