Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Yeah, maybe they went and found some married couples for new friends.
How abrupt was the change? How quickly did all of this happen?
Kind of happened over time. Started with WOW. They somewhat communicated during their WOW days. It seemed like they still valued our friendship, even asked us to come visit. But when it came time to actually go visit they would flake out.
On a side note I had a friend who actually told me and his other friends I probably wouldn't hear from him anymore since he got a girlfriend. We don't hear from him. Fast forward 2 years later his gf breaks up with and now he has no friends. Got to love karma.
I figure I'll let karma take its course on this one. Just wanted to vent.
I think friendships are important in any part of our lives. You never know what can happen especially if you need someone to talk to or help in a situation. It seems like a lot of people who become domesticated become isolationists. What happens if you get divorced? You're pretty much fucked. No friends to turn to after you ditched them.
I'm fortunate to still have other friends who are married that I can still hang out with and shoot the shit.