What am I?
I'm confused by the labels I'm supposed to pick from. I consider myself fiscally conservative, in that I think the government should have a balanced budget, except in the case of a recession, where government funding can help smooth out economic troubles, and war (a defensive one, not an aggressive one like Iraq). But I'm 'liberal' or 'progressive' in that I think one of the few things that government *should* do is provide a safety net for people who can't (or "won't") take care of themselves. The bare minimums of shelter, food, education, and basic healthcare.
I'm socially conservative in that I think that abortion is rarely ethically 'right'. But I'm liberal/progressive in that I think that a blanket ban by the government is the wrong way. That the decision should be between a woman and her doctor. I think the government should encourage adoption, offer free birth control of all kinds, and truly anonymous adoption.
I personally don't understand gay marriage, because I like chicks. But I don't think I, or the government, has the right to define what legal relationship two consenting adults have with each other.
I think war is wrong, unless we're directly under attack, or innocent people are directly under attack.
I think the government should protect the weak against the powerful, and encourage what is best for the country and the world from a longterm perspective, not just the next election.
So, what am I? Liberal? Progressive? Conservative?
The closest thing I identify with so far is the progressive 'agenda' - they're anti war, they believe in 'social justice', environmentalism, etc.