Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
pan6467: Do you understand how delegates work? They're required to vote for McCain. The only way McCain won't get the nomination is if he somehow manages not to get a majority of the pledged delegates. That simply won't happen without Huckabee managing to win almost every state from now on with large margins of victory (which won't happen, no matter how big of a "scandal" comes out about McCain). And, really, this is nothing. Politics as usual. Not saying it should be politics as usual, but it is. It's not going to be particularly shocking or disturbing to most people.
I understand exactly how delegates work, I don't believe they are "required" to vote for the candidate. I believe the process is that each candidate sets out a list of say 23 "delegates" that if they are win will go to the convention and vote for them. However, those delegates, while almost always voting for the person they represent are not forced to. That is a basic summary of my knowledge of delegates.
Now, in the convention, individuals that have the belief the party can win, see the candidate they are there for scandal ridden and looking like he has no chance, they may change their votes. Much like the Electoral College, they represent the candidate but if for whatever reason it would not be in the best interest they can change their votes.
Then again, maybe I'm totally wrong.