Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Waiting for my daughter to get out of school in the afternoons, I very often end up in line behind this one car that is covered with patriotic bumper stickers and one of them says 'Support America. Be an American!!' and it's very annoying 'cause here he is in his '80s-era, gas guzzling American landyacht with bumper stickers plastered all over the back...ya know...telling people to be more American.
Now come one, be honest, it is a American made car, right?
I love these guys...
"I support the troops!"... "Send my kid, are you kidding?"
"I support the war, anyone who doesn't is un-American and should move to France!"... "Pay for the war? Ah, hell no I want every dollar I earn!"
Guess they're not interested in having their kids fight the war but have no problem having their grand kids pay for it.