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Old 02-21-2008, 10:13 AM   #6 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Fotzlid
You forgot one other option. Some reporter trying to stir up shit to make a name for themselves.
Your "one other option", is bullshit.... the man who unmasked McCain; his hypocrisy and dismal ethical standards, was his first senate campaign opponent, Richard Kimball, citing <a href="">newspaper articles</a> written before McCain ever came to Arizona....they support the accusation that McCain's "mobbed up" father-in-law, bought McCain with his "mobbed up" money. Is that money in McCain's bank accounts, "clean", now Fotzlid? What is your estimation of the date that McCain's money lost it's stench?

The Senate calls

Dan Nowicki, Bill Muller
The Arizona Republic
Mar. 1, 2007 10:34 AM

....Kimball launched another series of attacks, calling McCain "bought and paid for" by special interests because much of McCain's campaign contributions came from political action committees in four industries: defense, real estate, petroleum and utilities.

Kimball also noted that McCain was a millionaire because of his wife's interests in the beer distributorship owned by her father. Kimball wasn't shy about airing the Hensley family laundry.

He had dug up old newspaper clips that showed Jim Hensley had been an underling to well-known power broker Kemper Marley Sr., a rich rancher and wholesale liquor baron with suspected links to the 1976 car-bomb murder of Arizona Republic reporter Don Bolles.

After World War II (Hensley was a bombardier on a B-17 that was shot down over the English Channel), Hensley and his brother Eugene went to work at Marley-owned liquor distributorships in Phoenix and Tucson.

In 1948, the Hensley brothers were convicted of falsifying records to conceal, government lawyers contended, the illegal distribution of hundreds of cases of liquor. The sales occurred from 1945 to 1947, postwar years when liquor was rationed and in short supply.

Eugene Hensley was sentenced to a year in federal prison. Jim Hensley got six months, but his sentence was suspended. He received probation.

In 1953, Jim Hensley was again charged with falsifying records at Marley's liquor firms. The companies were defended by William Rehnquist, who would go on to become chief justice of the Supreme Court. Hensley was found not guilty....
Arizona, the early years

Dan Nowicki, Bill Muller
The Arizona Republic
Mar. 1, 2007 10:33 AM

.....Cindy's money came from her family business. Her father, Jim Hensley, owned a Phoenix Anheuser-Busch distributorship that had made him a multimillionaire. He gave his new son-in-law a job as vice president of public relations, but, really, McCain was just biding his time until the right political opportunity came up.

"Jim Hensley didn't care about PR," said Bill Shover, a former executive with The Arizona Republic who met McCain in 1981. "When you have the Budweiser franchise, you . . . don't need PR."

McCain himself acknowledges that he "fit the bill" of the stereotypical "upwardly mobile boss' son-in-law who obviously lacks the experience and training typically required for the job he holds." But he didn't want to let Hensley down, either.

On the political front, McCain reached out to his Capitol Hill mentors and friends for guidance. Cohen put him in touch with veteran political consultant Jay Smith, who advised McCain to discreetly get out and start meeting Arizona VIPs.

His job with Hensley allowed him to do that.

It didn't take long for McCain to meet wealthy power brokers such as developers Charles Keating Jr. and Fife Symington III, who would later be elected governor. Local polls suggested McCain start slowly by running for the state Legislature, but McCain wasn't interested.

Eager to make up for time lost as a POW, McCain wanted Arizona's new congressional seat......
How could anyone who calls himself a "maverick", be owned and maintained by a former mobster's millions, like McCain has been for 28 years?
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