Hey, they're good for more than sex.
Such as....?
I don't jump a girl asap. They wouldn't be the type to, otherwise this whole issue wouldn't have a question mark at the end of it.Most of my mates would be saying go have oner and have done with it. Have a string of them. Right now thats just not in me. Not to say it isn't tempting. I'm looking more for long term and when its timed right and everything is looking promising, the whole sex thing will be unlimited.

for as long as the relationship should last.
I've waded through a couple of these scenarios since the Break Up.
The B.B syndrome occurse when I'm wanting to but emotionally I'm knowing that its taking it a step up and I'm not willing to risk my well being. That's probably the problem. It's not that I don't want to. I did with this one girl, got a moment with her, had a great time and then I made exuses not to thereafter.And that pretty much hurt her. The last time I did that was after a reasonable time of getting to know ourselves, and then I pretty much let her down. I'm messed up in that area. Maybe I'm destined to be a male whore with a heart of gold...
Your first string players shouldn't be the "Woo! I wanna fuck you silly!" types.
Trust me, they are not..I should be so lucky if they were. Lol.
I'm sure I will have all this figured out in time. I do have other priorities like school, work and utlimately my soccer to work on, anything to stave off this nagging ear worm.