Originally Posted by Tully Mars
What the polls haven't really focused on yet are the state-by-state projections....ie, electoral votes.
From what I have seen, there are likely to be more "red" states in play than "blue", in part because of very strong Senate candidates for open (currently Republican) seats. In two states that were barely red in '04 (by 1-2%), Colorado and New Mexico, the Democrat senate candidates are well ahead in the polls and could very easily go blue with either Clinton or Obama.
The Democratic senate candidate in Virginia for the open (Republican) seat is so far ahead, its all but over and that could help turn the state blue, more likely if its Obama than Clinton.
And there's always Florida and Ohio, both red in 04, Clinton might be more likely to carry Ohio and either can beat McCain in Florida, now that there is no longer a Bush in the governor's office.
On the flip side, there are very few blue states that might go red.