Man oh man do I have a good one for this thread. So about two weeks before myself and my roommates are supposed to move into our rental house a sewer pipe blew up and wrecked havoc. Thankfully, it cost me nothing, being a rental house, but we're still dealing with fallout from it. The 4x6x10 foot deep hole in the back porch was just repaired a month ago, we finally have about 90% of a fence put up, and our backyard is still just a big dirt patch with piles of broken fence pieces and broken sewer pipes. In this case annoyance and a general pissed off feeling have given way to apathy.
A few days after moving into the aforementioned smelly house, I was robbed to tune of everything I owned except my clothes, my external harddrive and my car. The feeling from that event was shock then anger. Insurance came through a bit, but man that sucked.
Also, we had a really cool skeleton halloween decoration (lovingly named Mr. Boner) get ganked from the front porch. Mostly annoyed about losing poor Mr. Boner.