Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I'm isolated from the campaign mania because I limit my intake of media. I'm cautious of what news I read online and Tivo buffers me from most if not all of the campaign advert drivel.
It's a personal choice. I see a headline or two as I walk from the subway station into the office. That's about it until I decide I have a moment or time for the rest of the news. And when I do have time to read about stuff, it's not about the election process.
I know a lot less about what is going on, than you probably think that you do, after one of your "have a moment or time for the rest of the news", yet I am spending several hours a day, attempting to keep informed.
How do you wade in, in the middle of a sequence of events, and satisfy yourself that you are "up to speed", on current events and political happenings? Tell me how you do it, so I can benefit from your methods, so I can spend much less time trying to stay informed.
Much of my time is devoted to reading reporting and commentary about the same events, or issues, from eight to ten different sources. I keep the car radio, during my commute, on SRN talk radio, so I can keep abreast of the political POV and reactions to current events of christian evangelicals.
I don't think I could participate in this forum with any confidence, if I wasn't fairly certain, that, at least in a few areas, I have a thorough grasp of the details.
It's ironic that I perceive myself to have so little credibility here, based on response and lack of responses from so many of my fellow tfp members, considering the time I do spend trying to stay informed, and post from an informed perspective.
I would feel out of place, participating here, if I routinely kept myself closed off from daily news reporting and commentary.