Originally Posted by Wyodiver33
I like macs but if they are so great why did Apple go to an Intel platform? Macs have always been overpriced. And software availability has always been lacking compared to the PC. I think eventually Apple will stop selling computers and will eat away at Microsoft's sales of various OS's.
1) Because the platform is defined by the OS, not the chip architecture. Intel had a better product pipeline.
2) Not necessarily overpriced when you compare the whole package -- software, hardware, and the infrastructure of the retail operation (classes, personal training, genius bar consultation for free, practically giving away replacement items)
3) Software isn't really lacking. Autocad is the only thing that has been consistently missing. Most other programs have mac versions or analogs.
4) Hang out in an Apple Store for a few hours. They can't keep their machines on the shelves in the back. People buy at all times of the year, no matter what the stock market is doing. The recent sustained increase in market share certainly doesn't point to Apple stopping computer sales.
I'm not saying Apple is likely to become dominant or even a plurality in the foreseeable future. That would require a reassessment of the enterprise market, which I don't think they are interested in.