Originally Posted by Wyodiver33
I like macs but if they are so great why did Apple go to an Intel platform?
PowerPC was no longer able to keep up with Intel, so Apple switched.
Originally Posted by Wyodiver33
Macs have always been overpriced.
This hasn't been the case for years. Remember that performance-wise, Macs are about on par with Alienware and higher end PCs, so you have to compare them as such. Apple just doesn't really have a bottom of the barrel. You won't find a $299 Mac, but you also won't find a Mac that's worth as little as $299.
Originally Posted by Wyodiver33
And software availability has always been lacking compared to the PC.
Macs are the best Windows machines on the market. One of my best friends has XP running on his MacBook Pro right now as I'm chatting with him on AIM.