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Old 02-19-2008, 01:44 PM   #41 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK
Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
However, console gaming is just EXPENSIVE! Console, controllers, games, HDTV to make it worth it... As a *POOR* student, as long as I don't need a CD key to play online I will download the game to play for free.

Can't do that with a console, unless you mod it. Which is just sketchy.

Yes, I know I'm part of the problem. Do I care? No. If games were priced in a way that made them worth it then I buy them.

I bought the Orange Box (PORTAL FTW), I bought Gal Civ II, I put 5-10 bucks into Second-Life every six months or so. On the other hand, I downloaded Crysis.
I understand what you're saying, and I'm not gonna jump on a high horse because I've downloaded my fair share of games as well... I've pretty much stopped though, because all of the games I play on PC pretty much require purchases to play (orange box, BF2, BF2142, WoW). However, that's a big reason why formerly PC-only developers have shifted their main focus to consoles (i.e. Epic), console games are pretty much a required buy if you want to play them.

2007 was a great year for gaming across the board, so I can't really use last year as an example, but good exclusive PC games have been growing sparse, and common people who don't keep up their computers and don't keep track of the latest P2P methods for downloading games will resort to paying for the console iterations. Without looking up any statistics, I could confidently say that the console versions of CoD4 outsold the PC, console versions of UT3 outsold the PC. When Crysis hits consoles (you know it will), they will probably outsell the PC version. Consoles are just easier for most people. They don't know how bittorrent works, they don't know how cracks work, and at this rate, the PC market is eventually going to be phased out, maybe with the exception of MMO's.
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