I like non-random stories
ahhhh, we had a venturesome frog a couple years ago. At a pond not far from our home, from early spring until early fall the place is heavily populated by frogs, we like to hike around the pond, catch frogs, usually let them go; but once we kept a large bull frog I caught; took it home, made a real nice terrarium with pond for him, fed him bugs, etc. One day the boys were playing in their kiddie pool in the driveway and had the frog in the pool; they turned away for literally about 10 seconds, the frog is gone; we looked everywhere within 50 yards for that guy, under leaves, bushes, etc. but never found him. I hope he got home OK.
It was just about 51 years ago, my favorite uncle Joe and I were driving down Delaware Ave. in Philadelphia in his latest new Buick, a '57 Roadmaster. He hit a bump in the road and I suddenly realized it was a turtle; so he pulls over and we're expecting a bit of a mess, but it was a box turtle, shell about 8" long, and it was unscathed. I took it home, built a box/house for him and had that guy for almost 10 years before he perished of seemingly natural causes; this one's favorite foods were baloney and watermelon which I would hand feed him along with as many flies as I could catch.
PS: I think '57 was a very good year for women, too ...or I guess baby girls who eventually grow up to be women.