*sits quietly in library reading textbook*
*sees this thread, rereads it, starts to mutate into a vitriol-spewing monster*
*twitches, curls up, screams, hulks out of his hoodie and jeans*
Originally Posted by Henry Rollins
There's not much to life. You do a lot of bullshitting to make it look like there is some big deal to it, looking for all this meaning in simple biology. The guys got ya beat there and ya know why? Because most of them are stupid, not much different than dogs, not much different than lab rats pushing on buttons to get food. We just want to fuck you, MILLIONS JUST WANT TO FUCK YOU. And the ones that get the most are the ones that know how to tell you what you want to hear the best!
Hmmm, all the women I've dated before were more educated than me, had two breasts, and eventually thought I was a huge asshole at the end.
Maybe this is a sign you need to branch out and date "other types?"