Originally Posted by host
C'mon, loquitur, the fraud and corruption at the top is rampant.
Here is an example, you can verify it yourself. Bush and his partners purchased the baseball team in the 80's for about $86 million, and they sold it, 14 years later, for less than $300 million, those numbers are part of the public record, but so is this:
Shouldn't Bush's long term capital gain on the baseball team investment, considering that he never invested personally more than $1 million in the team, (and maybe even less than that...), if the team was sold for an amount that was less than 4 times the purchase price, been a capital gain of no more than $4 million?
How do you explain Bush paying taxes on at least $14 million in income in 1998, at the 20 percent long term capital gains tax rate, instead of at the higher, earned income rate of 39.2 percent?
Bush explained that his accountants took an "aggressive position" in deciding how to categorize Bush's actual capital gains. What do you call what Bush did, loquitur? It looks like he ducked paying an additional $3 million in taxes that he clearly owed.
If you disagree, don't you need to provide data that Bush invested more than I've posted, or that they team was purchased for less or sold for more than I've posted?
Isn't anything else, no matter how you slice or dice it, clear evidence of gross income tax fraud? What kind of example does it set, or influence perception that we live in a two tiered oligarchy of gross wealth inequity?
We're not even in the same discussion, ngdawg.....I gave you specifics, you ignored or distorted them, and now you've marched on Clinton, H
Huh???? ngdawg, I showed you that the money that McCain now possesses, had to knowingly come to him, and that it is proceeds from original investments made with organized crime proceeds invested into an opportunity provided by organized crime connections.
I asked at what point you think McCain's money was cleansed, and above is your response.
You've moved onto new things....how many criminals, in his own administration, and in Reagan's administration, did Bush Sr. pardon? Who had congressional hearings held about his pardons, Bush Sr. or Clinton? What was determind by those hearings?
Again, did McCain or did he not, immerse himself in the employment and the money of an Arizona organized crime figure?
It seems like a valid and a simple question, because he's running for president, and his past with Hensley either makes him stupid and incurious, or unethical.
Re: previous, in no part of my post did I compare JFK to McCain. What I stated was that the wealth of the Kennedys (note the plural) has been stated/rumored to have been obtained through liquor sales during Prohibition.
I've marched on Clinton because it's just as (un)important. Hillary married the brother of a known drug addict/felon...so is her campaign fund box funded with drug money? Does it make her a druggie?
McCain married the daughter of a felon/fraud. So, like Hillary, is he now a felon by osmosis? I'm not the one missing the point here.
Put it another way: I have had at least 3 speeding tickets. Does that make me a wreckless driver now? Now, if you were to bring up a point known that the campaign funds of McCain were illegally obtained by the fraud committed by his father-in-law, you might have something. There's no evidence of that. You're making a case of osmosis only. Perhaps you're having some trouble understanding. I got what you're attempting to say, it just doesn't have any bearing on McCain and where his funds come from
now. Besides, the old man did his time and the state of AZ forgave that and gave him license to distribute. If a state can see to do that, perhaps you need to get past it as well and base your choice for president on the
current merit of the candidates, not the errors of their felonious relatives.
If that was done across the board, no one would live in the White House.