I was a spunky kid who didn't put up with shit from others. When I was in 2nd grade, I was on my way back to my classroom from a bathroom break when I was cornered by THE 3rd grade bully, Alex. He tried to scare me, and I decked him, right in the nose. He started howling, and I got sent to the principal's office. My principal couldn't stop laughing. Luckily, when I punched another boy the next year (for being annoying), I had the same principal, and he found it just as funny.
In 5th grade, I happened to overhear someone on the bus making fun of my brother. I climbed over two bus seats, yanked the guy up by his collar, and punched him. No one makes fun of my brother, ever. Barb the bus driver found it impossible to write me up, though she probably should have.
Most of my favorite badass moments are intellectual, though, like sitting through several day-long tests in the course of being designated talented and gifted. My mother's favorite story is this: I was 8, and we were at the community fair with all of my grandparents. We were all sitting around a picnic table, enjoying some ice cream, when a local politician came by. Thinking he would shake some hands and pat the heads of some small children, he approached our table. He sort of patted me on the head and said, "Well, hey there, little girl. I'm -- and I'm running for the State Senate in November. Be sure to tell your folks to vote for me!" I replied that my parents were Democrats, and would never consider voting for him, being that he was a Republican running against a long-standing Democrat (and friend of my parents). Furthermore, I said, he was a pro-life candidate, and my parents were pro-choice. He backed away slowly, as if I were some kind of demon child.
I have three A- that I have earned in my college career that I consider to be pretty badass, given how difficult the courses were, and how much I learned. They're certainly worth more to me than any of the other grades I've earned.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau