We have laws against fraud. There are huge incentives for private plaintiffs to bring corporate fraud-doers to heel. Prosecutors (I'm thinking federal prosecutors, mainly, but some state and local as well) can make their reputations bringing down big shots, and do. (Google the name "Phil Bennett" as a recent example.) So the notion that there is massive undetected fraud and theft in all big companies and the majority of rich people is just lunacy.
Of course there are some bad rich people. There are bad people everywhere. That doesn't mean most wealth is garnered by fraud and theft, it simply means that there are some bad people out there. The fact is, for every bad name Host throws out, I can throw out two (or more) names of people who made their money honestly and are well-respected for it. I bet I could even do it sticking with the names of rich people who are liberal Democrats. (They probably can't match Host's lofty ethical standards, but I doubt anyone who ever fired an employee can.)