We went without cable for over six months this past year. Quite frankly, I enjoyed not having it. Unfortunately, my wife missed it too much (I'm in a band, so she sits at home alone alot on the weekends), so it came back this past month.
What I liked about not having it:
-a much quieter house
-the entire family read more books
-more interactive family time(none of the mindlessly sitting in front of the TV for hours on end with no real purpose other than killing time)
-saving the $40+ per month.
What I missed(or disliked) the most:
-weather. Especially when there was severe weather in the forecast. I much prefer watching local weather, over any of the internet sites.
-the educational programming that others mentioned in this thread.
-felt a bit out of touch
I'm glad to have back those things I missed about it, but overall I'd still go without. But I understand where my wife was coming from when she said she wanted it back.