Originally Posted by sprocket
If after eight years of the scandals, one after the other, with a president whose set records for number of business partners and close colleagues in jail or fled the country... if you havnt been convinced, I seriously doubt I could. All the cronyism, the corruption Bush partakes in, Clinton did better.
But it is amusing to watch the cognitive dissonance at work on the left, when they vilify BushCo, and then put the Clintons up on a pedestal.
So what you are saying is that you cant come up with any provable crimes committed by the Clintons other than having questionable friends.
Certainly nothing that compares with violating FISA (spying on American citizens w/o a warrant), the Presidential Records Act (destroying millions of WH e-mails) and lying to the public to justify an invasion and 5+ year occupation of a sovereign nation that posed no threat to the US.
Friends and cronies? I suspect if the government spent $40+ million investigating any political family, they would find questionable friends.
But nothing like the Bush family friends, the Saudi royal family.
BTW, I have never put the Clinton's on a pedestal. I just value a president who abides by his Constitutional oath.