Originally Posted by abaya
Wow. Crompsin, I have to be honest here: if I found out that my date was carrying a gun (anywhere, but especially on a date), that would seriously freak me out. It would probably be a dealbreaker right there. Not that my opinion matters, since I'm married anyway, but just wanted to comment on that.
I guess we come from completely different backgrounds. I can understand your perspective, I really do. I hope this helps.
Think of it as some kind of macabre good luck charm, a carry-over from my time in the army where I carried an automatic rifle with a grenade launcher for an entire year at a time without every once having the opportunity to squeeze either trigger. Voodoo. Karma. Magic. A bizarre protective talisman. Just having it kept me alive.
I seldom carry a pistol due to my current lifestyle (school), not all that often in comparison to most people with this type of license... but when I do carry it? I never need the damn thing and I never worry about needing it... because it's there. Not once has the thing left the holster in an emergency. Not even close. I figure it never will.
I take comfort in that fact, not the fact that I have a firearm.
I have a concealed weapons permit because I feel that if I carry this two pound piece of metal around with me sometimes... I'll never need to use it.
Statistics, silly little numbers they are, dictate that I will never need to use my concealed weapon. Not even close to once in my entire life. Infinitesimal chance. However, on the impossible chance that I'm, oh, shoe-shopping at the outlet mall or catching a late movie at the cineplex with the girlfriend and some nutjob with a shotgun and Glock (TM, the Preferred Weapon of School Shooters) wants to get all homicidal and emo on the crowd? After I'm done belly-flopping on the ground like a soldier yelling "Incoming!" and have carefully inventoried all my fingers and toes, he's in for a real surprise: victims that shoot back. There would be zerp joy in doing such, either. It would suck.
I'm not some paranoid schizo who talks to his piece and plays quickdraw in the mirror.
I've never hurt anybody. I certainly don't plan it on, either.
My life is worth carrying a silly piece of steel around.
I don't have a badge-of-the-man but I will in the future.
Does that make it easier to understand?
I'm a sane, responsible, hard-working pseudo-civilian. Why are you afraid of me being armed in a country where the bad guys are often armed?