Originally Posted by host
A moderate? What do you think a moderate will do, confront the corporatists or cooperate with them? How do you see that there can be a middle ground?
McCain, a moderate? He fell in love at age 43. He could have married his second wife, and stayed at arms length from her ex-con "mobbed up" father. Instead, he went to work for him and accepted him as his "king maker". When did the man's money become clean enough to not stain the character and reputation of the former Naval aviator POW that he bought with it?
Do you think a "moderate" will transfer any measurable power or wealth from the corporatists in control, to "the people"? Doesn't "cooperate" mean to operate alongside the corporatists?
A moderate won't "take" anything from the military industrial complex in this country. Wouldn't "wrest" from their control, be a more accurate description?
This guy was <a href="http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?t=117353&highlight=huey+long">the last American politician to do it</a>, and he was no moderate!
Thanks for reminding me that we're all screwed and there's nothing we can do about it. Sometimes I forget. I guess I got distracted from the wave of truth while standing in the tidepool of election year optimism. Because for all of your efforts and passion, host (and, to a large extent I agree with you) you too, sir, are just pissing in the wind. So was Huey Long.
So I am going to do what I can to keep a John McCain or a Mike Huckabee out of the White House for the next four years. I'm going to vote for a moderate Democrat. These are the only terms with which I can think about it - practical terms.