Originally Posted by loquitur
If McCain is that bad, then Hillary shouldn't be unelectable.
I think what just drives me nuts about this whole thing is this country's penchant for the two-party system that virtually locks out anyone not a Dem or GOP.
Last election, I voted for Ralph Nader. This year I just might vote for whatever is the furthest name to the right in the columns....
Hillary is too green. She's still considered a "junior senator", as is her Dem opposition. And they spend too much time knocking each other, skirting some serious issues and changing their minds, according to some op-eds I've read lately. HIllary would not be where she is now if not for hubby.
McCain? Anti-choice, anti-gay and a former POW...which just makes me think he's gonna have some serious PTSD and go hiding under the presidential desk at some point. Plus his age is a factor. Reagan was old enough and his dying with Alzheimer's makes me suspect he was showing some signs of it in office.
Truth be told, I'd have probably gone with Giuliani had he not quit....if nothing else but a viable choice to keep Hillary out of office.