Host, can't YOU just read what you're deriving your info from, quote bits and link the rest? My old eyes can't handle all that and if they could, my old brain wouldn't absorb it....
I can see where the numbers mentioned in the OP could come into play.
Mr. H earns 1.5 million a year and buys 3 Mercedes.
Mr. J earns 150,000 a year and buys 3 Toyotas
Mr. X earns 50,000 a year and buys a used Volvo and 2 bicycles.
It's all relative....the problem as I see it (as a usually struggling so-called middle classer), is that those that earn less don't get a break just because of that factor. If I want a Mercedes, I can't go to the dealer and say I'm paying X per cent because I only earn X dollars. That would balance things out a bit, but it ain't gonna happen.
The op-ed makes sense. F'rinstance: Our weekly insurance payout is $105. The company owner's weekly payout is $105. But, he earns more, so the chunk isn't as huge for him, essentially making his disposable income larger. Same with things like cable, cell phone bills, etc. They might vary, but not in keeping with income, so that those of us on the lower end of the pay scale see less play money than those on the higher end, so of course, our ratios are much less.
A friend of mine had a good analogy. He was told by his superiors that instead of overtime, he'd be given comp time for the extra hours. His response, "Yea, I'll just go into Home Depot and instead of cash, tell them I'm gonna pay them in comp time."